Andrew was excited for his first Father's Day. We had cinnamon rolls for breakfast- Kelsey thought they were quite tasty as well. Then he wanted to open his presents.
Father/ Daughter shot
Kelsey helping Daddy open his gift

Jewel inspecting the "treats" she and Ariel gave Andrew

Andrew opening his gift from Kelsey- all of Andrew's girls are there to help

It's a shirt - "This is what the world's greatest Daddy looks like"
Andrew's gift from Amy- a paddle to play pickle ball with. A game we play in Florida with Amy's dad- Andrew has been having to use a heavy wooden paddle- Amy thought he would enjoy this more. Andrew's comment- "Wow- this is light!" Amy's response- "It is like the paddles dad and I use" Andrew is very excited to get back to Florida and try it out.
Ariel liked the ribbon from the package- Kelsey liked how close Ariel was to her.