Start of Halloween- Kelsey was ready for something in her bucket!
Drinking out of her special pumpkin cup from Grandpa and Grandma Napier
Getting treats for the cats (her new favorite thing to do)
Ariel lets Kelsey get close enough to give her treats
Both cats love Kelsey when she has treats (they don't love her as much when she is chasing after them and shrieking)
Jewel will eat treats out of Kelsey's hand
Kelsey was helping Daddy get the newspapers down to carve the pumpkin
She had no problem putting her hand in to pull out pumpkin gunk
Here's a video of her getting stuff out of the pumpkin
This stuff is slimy
Here Daddy- make it look like this one!
Kelsey with the finished product- she loved taking the lid on and off
Mommy getting Kelsey dressed in her costume
Kelsey talking on the phone with Grandpa and Grandma Napier as they were seeing her on webcam
A kitty hugging a kitty
Mommy and her kitty
Daddy and his kitty
She was having fun playing in her costume
Okay- I'm ready to go out (we did not end up taking her out to other houses since it was raining and cold- but she really enjoyed being in her costume and seeing all the kids that came to the door)
There's no candy in my bucketShe loved seeing herself in the mirror
A thinking kitty