Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Kelsey 18 month check up

We went for Kelsey's 18 month check up today. We cannot believe how big our little girl is getting. Her appointment went great. She is now 34 1/2 inches tall (she is "off the chart" according to the doctor- greater than the 95%) and her weight is 23 pounds 7 ounces. She is only in the 50% for weight. Doc said this is fine- she is growing just fine. It does make it hard to buy her clothes though- to get the length we need- the waist is way too big and will just fall off her. I look forward to warmer weather so I can put her in more dresses and not have to worry about a waistband so much!
She is also developing normally with all the skills she is developing. She is starting to say more words- we know what she is saying, although others may not. She says mama, more, milk, meow, woof, quack, boat, roll ball, row row boat, itsy (if she wants the itsy bitsy spider song), yum yum, yeah (for yes).
Kelsey still loves reading books. She also likes to do wooden puzzles, color, play with stickers, play with her toys (esp if Mommy or Daddy play with her), dance to music, and watch videos of herself. We have also found Dora the Explorer- she loves the little monkey in it and all the songs they do.
She is also starting to be more adventurous in what she will eat. In the lat couple weeks she is starting to eat eggs- scrambled, breaded fish, sweet potatoes, and more veggies. We think she is willing to try more foods because we have taken her out of her high chair and let her sit in a booster seat at the table with us. She likes to try the food off our plates! She still loves her grilled cheese, mac and cheese, yogurt, crackers, and fruit (haven't found a fruit yet that she will not eat!)
We look forward to seeing all the changes that occur in the next 6 months!

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